Cremation Blog

29 08, 2023

Buddhism & Cremation: Buddhist Beliefs About Cremation


Let’s examine the topic of Buddhism and cremation for those unfamiliar with this faith group’s beliefs. We will also briefly summarize what you might expect from an American Buddhist funeral.

Buddhism & Cremation: Buddhist Beliefs About Cremation2023-08-29T18:22:30+00:00
11 08, 2023

Basic Cremation: Everything You Need to Know (2024)


It’s important that you understand that the act of cremation is the same, whether you pay for a basic cremation package or a traditional service followed by cremation. Another term for basic cremation is direct cremation. Here’s what you need to know about this most cost-effective end-of-life choice.

Basic Cremation: Everything You Need to Know (2024)2024-02-01T17:50:04+00:00
6 07, 2023

The History of Cremation: From Ancient Times to Now


Here’s a brief history of cremation. According to the National Funeral Directors Association, human cremation is more common than traditional burial in the U.S. (59.3% vs 35.7%).

This statistic may surprise you depending on where you live in the country and your age. You may remember a time when cremation seemed rare in your community, and it may feel like this method of disposition is relatively new. But, a partly cremated body found on a funeral pyre in Israel shows evidence of human cremation in Israel dating back 9,000 years.

The History of Cremation: From Ancient Times to Now2023-07-06T21:37:03+00:00
24 05, 2023

Preplanning vs. At-Need Cremation: The Key Differences


We know that you don’t like thinking about this subject. But at some point, someone will have to plan your funeral. Funeral preplanning is when you make your own funeral arrangements before you die. At-need funeral plans occur when a person dies with no funeral plans in place. So let’s compare preplanning vs at-need cremation. 

Preplanning vs. At-Need Cremation: The Key Differences2023-06-07T01:35:00+00:00
1 03, 2023

What Does Cremation Cost in Pennsylvania? (2024 Guide)


Cremation cost in Pennsylvania can be as low as $995 – if you select the right cremation provider. However, is it ok to purchase cremation services based on cost? Keep reading for a frank discussion of cremation costs and funeral expenses.

What Does Cremation Cost in Pennsylvania? (2024 Guide)2024-02-01T17:50:43+00:00
27 01, 2023

Judaism and Cremation: Overview of Jewish Beliefs on Cremation


Holy texts and religious leaders are the best sources for people who have questions about their faith. So, if you have questions about Jewish cremation, consult the sacred texts or speak with your rabbi or someone who is an expert in Jewish law. 

Judaism and Cremation: Overview of Jewish Beliefs on Cremation2023-07-04T01:23:35+00:00